Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My First Year in Lines (Pete)

Taking a cue from Kathryn Greenhill's meme, here are the first lines from the first posts for each month this year. (The fun thing about this, is I forgot ever having written most of it. So if I ever repeat myself, that's why!)

January: Thanks to Amy for tagging me in the "Five Things" meme.

February: Check out this amazing video,"Web 2.0... the Machine is Us/ing Us," created by Michael Wesch, Assistant Cultural Anthropology Professor at Kansas State University.

March: Zuula ( is a newish metasearch engine that I’ve been enjoying.

April: Maria Palma over at "Customers are Always" recently posed the question, "What would make you stay loyal to a supermarket?"

May: I had the mind-blowing pleasure of attending Imagination to Transformation, the Mid-Atlantic Library Futures Conference, on Monday and Tuesday.

June: File under, "Tootling one's own horn" In this case mine.

July: A few months ago I started taking Improv classes in Philadelphia on Monday nights.

August: As requested, here's the link to the Wiki that supports the Magical Mystery Tour:

September: If you get any invites from Quechup, delete them immediately.

October: David Lee King has offered up a new song/video Social Digital Revolution.

November: In my last post on The Human Touch I discussed how a warm, caring human being trumped a crappy, highly inconvenient system.

December: I started a little meme on Twitter on Thursday, which David Free picked up on and posted about over on his blog, David's Random Stuff.


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