Friday, October 08, 2010

Making time to tell you...

CC 2.0.  Flickr User: Bogenfreund
I have not blogged much since I started my new and wonderful job just over two months ago, and I've told myself it's because I didn't have time.  But having just read Julie Strange's latest wonderful blog post.  I'm owning up: It's not that I didn't have time, it's that I didn't make the time.

So now I'm making the time, if only this very little bit before I zip out the door, to invite you to read "10 tips for finding your groove and getting sh*t done".  I'm so glad I did--you rock Jules!

1 comment:

  1. We must be working out of the same appointment book. Am just beginning to catch up with colleagues' blogs after a few very hectic months, and was delighted to start with yours and find the referral to Julie's article on getting sh*t done. Hope to see more of your own writing appearing here soon now that we've lost you from the ALA Learning blog.
